Enfield Youth FC section was established in 1980 and was at one time the largest youth section in London and the Home Counties boasting 17 teams at various age groups providing football for over 300 boys. Due to the temporary demise of Enfield FC senior team, having lost their stadium, the youth section suffered many setbacks, not least in recruiting new teams at the younger age groups. As a, consequence, particularly as older boys graduated to adult football, the youth section diminished at one point having only 2 teams registered.

Today, we have 9 teams registered for the new season, providing footballing opportunities for over 200 boys and girls. We have a thriving development squad and looking to continually grow. With our coaching, equality and child protection policies all sanctioned by the FA we really looking forward to the new season. Every player representing Enfield Youth FC will be playing football in the best possible environment, with protection, fantastic coaching and the opportunity to progress. So come on boys, train hard, play fair and remember when you step out onto the pitch wearing the colours of Enfield Youth FC you are representing one of the top youth sections in club football.

About Enfield Youth Football Club

The Enfield Youth Football Club section was founded in 1980.It was established to provide an environment where the youth of Enfield and surrounding areas, irrespective of their ethnicity or religious beliefs, could participate safely in football and other recreational activities. Since its inception it has maintained its provision of many teams, currently we have teams, which operate within the Mid–Herts Rural Minors and Cheshunt Youth Leagues. Down the years there have been in excess of 2,500 young people who have benefited from the club, with the help of friends and parents, and today it is still thriving. The Youth section is wholly funded by parents, carers, friends of playing members and sponsors. Club officials, team managers and coaches give their time voluntarily. Enfield Youth FC section has been successful in not only providing youngsters with the enjoyment of playing football but has also encouraged the promotion and maintenance of physical fitness, an understanding of what it means to work as a team and demonstrate how discipline and good behaviour reap rewards; important lessons to all young people.

Enfield Youth FC have had many success over the years in both league, cup and tournament wins and is now widely recognised for its promotion of footballing skills. Progressively the focus has been on coaching youngsters correctly, to strive for each player to achieve their potential, with an emphasis on playing attractive and entertaining football. The playing season starts in September and usually ends in April; however, training is available for most boys throughout the year. Each team manager may have a break in training at some point during the year which is discretionary.

Enfield Youth FC section expects a high standard of discipline and commitment from all of its members, parents/guardians and friends. This includes punctuality for training and matches, respect for others and behaving at all times in a manner acceptable to the club. Only through these expectations can we maintain the high standards we set and provide the quality of football that produces the best youth teams. It must be emphasised that although the Youth section is open to all, those representing our teams will be chosen on footballing ability and merit to ensure the maintenance of the club's reputation.