Donut Of The Year Award:
A tough one this year with a couple of choose from.
1. Michael Jordan
2. Dave Gee
3. Nick Beard
The Gary Victor Bond Award:
1. Gary Victor Bond
2. Ben Daley
3. Peter Dale
Supporters Player Of The Year:
1. Daniel Buss
2. Dave Gee
3. Shaz
Man Of The Match Award:
Quite obviously the player who has recieved the most MOTM awards throughout the year!
1. Lester Boniface (4) (with most overall votes)
2. Chris Woodward (4)
3. Matt Sargent (3)
4. Dan Platel/Ahmed Hussein (2)
Top Goalscorer:
1. Lester Boniface (41)
2. Dan Platel (19)
3. Ahmed Hussein (11)
Lester takes it this season by a mile, without doubt the most dangerous striker in the league, probably should have had 50 odd goals.
Managers Player Of The Season:
This was a tough decision, there have been a few standouts but I chose Woody for a couple of reasons, defensively solid at centre back and has been commanding and calming at the back. Fantastic.
1. Chris Woodward
2. Lester Boniface, Darren Lawrence
3. Ahmed, Daz G, Beardo, Bussy, Matt, Gee.
Players Player Of The Season:
The players have spoken and its that man again who takes it, Lester Boniface. 10 for 1st place, 7 for 2nd, 5 for 3rd and 3 for all my third choices.
1. Lester Boniface (87)
2. Dan Platel (42)
3. Nick Beard (39)
4. Darren Lawrence (38)
5. Chris Woodward, Ahmed Hussein (37)
6. Matt Sargent, Dan Buss, Darren George (15)
7. Dave Gee, Tony Di Carlo (5)