Online Procedures for Managers/Coaches

Online Procedures for Managers/Coaches

Online Procedures for Managers/Coaches

Theres a great opportunity for coaches/managers to keep in touch with players and other coaches, by providing training ideas, tips on keeping fit and skills challenges online.

As a coach/manager, it’s really important to keep appropriate boundaries in your digital space. Please ensure you continue to apply the principles of your code of conduct and remember that as a coach/manager even when encouraging players/coaching online you remain in a ‘relationship of trust ’.

Follow the procedures outlined below to help keep you and those you are supporting safe online.

• Always work with groups, ensure you are inclusive when engaging with players;
• Wherever possible involve a second coach/manager or club official;
• All sessions online must be observable and interruptible;
• Where players are aged under 18, communications must go to parents/ carers to accept or decline the player’s participation.
Invites must not be sent directly to an under 18 – in line with The FA's ‘Digital
communications with children.
Always use the parent/carer contact information ordinarily utilised by
the club;
• Are there any individual player circumstances which may mean their involvement may not be possible? How might you ensure they s�ll feel included as part of the team/club?

• The setting for the background should be in a neutral area, avoiding anything inappropriate being heard or seen.
Some apps may offer customisation of avatars, usernames and customised virtual
backgrounds. What you may use for personal use may be inappropriate to represent your club – so think about this and make any changes, before contacting anyone;
• Do not host the session from a bedroom;
• The background must not be blurred or obscured; As a coach it's important to keep appropriate boundaries in your digital space
• Coaches/managers and players must wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household.
Ideally other members of the household should not be in view when running your session(s).


• The purpose of the session and what it will involve must be clearly outlined to all involved;
• All communication provided must have an educational or supportive purpose, or both;
• Language must be professional and appropriate. Please ensure any family members or others in the background also behave appropriately, if it is not possible for them to be out of view, and for them not to be heard during the session;


Online Procedures for Coaches Managers
