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Captains Pre Season Message

Captains Pre Season Message

Jonny Roberts18 Jul 2022 - 15:50
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We spoke to new Captain Steve Roberts about how pre-season has gone and what his thoughts are for the new season

Steve Roberts signed for Forden United halfway through our debut season since reforming back in 2018/19, since then he has developed into an integral player for the club, dominating the midfield and winning numerous personal awards at our annual end of season awards every year.

This year, under new Manager Darryl Jones, Steve has been promoted to Captain after Chris Price took a step back from the Captaincy role. We spoke to Steve to discuss how pre-season has gone and what his thoughts are on the upcoming season.

How has pre season gone?
"Pre-season has gone very well, from the first training we've had good numbers each session. The friendly games have been good fitness and useful to settle the new players in."

Are you looking forward to the new season?
"Everyone involved is looking forward to the new season, with new teams involved this year it's going to be a competitive league for sure."

How have the new signings settled in?
"All the signings have settled in great and are a great addition to our squad. We've got a top group of lads here which have helped the boys settle in."

Are you excited about being named captain?
"Yes, I'm looking forward to leading the team into the new season. Hopefully it'll be a successful season!"

Steve's made 80 appearances for the club so far, scoring 12 times and assisting 21 goals during this spell - are you interested in sponsoring our captain for the season? Get in touch!

We look forward to seeing you down the pitch supporting the lads throughout this new season!

Further reading