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Club statement

Club statement

Filthy Piece Of Toerag30 Apr 2019 - 15:11

Club statement

As the 2018/19 season draws to a close the football club board, which has been assessing the financial and structural position of the club for many months, today commenced with the results and realities of that assessment by agreeing to part company with manager, Martin McIntosh.

Martin joined the football club in December 2018 and has done a fantastic job in stabilising the team this season, bringing in some quality players and playing an instrumental role in managing the club through what was a challenging period.

Highlights of his tenure include winning away at League Champions, Morpeth, away at local rivals, Sheffield FC and significant victories at home over Stamford (4-1) and Carlton (6-0).

Club Director, Ryan McKnight said:

“Whilst the football club is currently in a sound financial position it needs to cut its cloth accordingly moving forward. This means we are restructuring the entirety of the football club on both the playing and staffing side. The harsh reality is that Martin’s experience, caliber and network warrants a situation that moving forward we are not in a position to deliver on long-term.

“Myself and the rest of the club board cannot commend the work he has done here high enough and are positive he will be as asset for another club in the future”.

The club will make a further statement later in the week.

Further reading