Yorkshire Tykes are a multi impairment Hard Ball development team, featuring players with hearing, physical and learning impairments. Our squad offer cricket to players with disability and is both inclusive and diverse. The mix...
Yorkshire Tykes are a multi impairment Hard Ball development team, featuring players with hearing, physical and learning impairments. Our squad offer cricket to players with disability and is both inclusive and diverse. The mix of deaf, physical and learning impairment compliment each other providing access to the sport for players who may be excluded from club cricket.
Players range from beginners trough club, County and Disability premier League to International ECB registered National Squad performance players.
Any players who are interested in joining please contact us through our home page.
New for 2022 we are looking for players with hearing impairment who would like to join us, we have players and support teams who can bridge any communication gap that might prevent access to the sport.