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Former President - Pat Mitchell

Former President - Pat Mitchell

Gareth Falls5 Apr 2021 - 08:29
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Pat Mitchell GRFC Garioch Rugby Inverurie Rugby

Garioch Rugby Football Club is saddened by the news that former club president, Pat Mitchell has passed away.

On 28th March 1977 the first General Meeting of GRFC was held, at the Kintore Arms, and Pat took on the role of Club President. Pat was a long standing member of the club, putting in countless hours of work to help make the club what it is today, and was instrumental in helping the club secure Kellands as its home.

Needless to say the club are heartbroken to lose one of the “old boys” and our thoughts go out to Pats family.

Pat’s funeral will take place this Friday, 9th April. Due to Covid restrictions the funeral service will be attended by family and invited guests only.
However, the funeral cortege will be passing by the Kintore Arms at 9am and a number of the “old boys” will be there to pay their respects. The club will also have representatives there and duly invite all members and former members to join us and bid farewell to Pat.

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