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Community Game Guidance 2

Community Game Guidance 2

Robert Jones24 Aug 2020 - 13:16

The Return to Recreational Team Sports Framework approved by Government

During spring and the early part of summer the chances of any community rugby league games taking place in 2020 seemed remote. The Return to Recreational Team Sports Framework approved by Government and requirement for each NGB to submit an Action Plan and Guidance which was approved by Government on 7th August 2020 has provided a clear roadmap for a full return of the community game.

That roadmap consists of two key stages. The stages are designed to allow us to gradually increase the level of activity and incremental risk in a controlled manner which will enable us to analyse and assess the adverse impact if any.

Stage 3 - activity allows for the return of larger group non-contact training and social rugby league activity within a community club setting together with more structured social rugby league activity delivered through Try Tag Rugby and Touch RL sites. It is important that all clubs engaging with larger group training notify the RFL via and comply with the relevant Government and RFL Guidance. This is not only to ensure compliance with our insurance obligations but also to allow us to monitor and evaluate the activity that has taken place in August in advance of the planned review at the end of the month.

Stage 4 – facilitates the introduction of contact activity into training sessions throughout September ahead of localised game activity during October and November 2020. There will be no activity during December 2020. Progression will continue with the potential for local and national cup games from January 2021 onwards with a return to league structures from March 2021.

All of the above steps remain subject to wider Government and any local Guidance and the advice of the RFL’s Clinical Advisory Group which will of course be dependent on the wider public health situation. Whilst we can appreciate the rugby league community would like to see a return to normal activity sooner than is envisaged there are increased Covid-19 Risks associated with Rugby League compared to sports where the level of face to face contact and risk of transmission is less. The approach as set out in the Action Plan is measured and by undertaking a phased return we should be able to meet our key objectives of increasing activity that can take place whilst training, deliver some game activity during 2020 and see the return of full competition in March 2021.

The adherence to the guidelines in place shown by community clubs who have delivered small group activity has been commendable. A similar level of commitment is required during activity delivered in August and September to ensure we can progress to game activity in October. To assist clubs we have produced some supporting documentation which consists of:-

Action Plan Summary
Community Game Guidance
Stage 3 Guidance
Stage 4 Guidance - to follow
Community Game - Laws of the Game Adaptions - To follow
We have also prepared some infographics covering Large Group Training, Touch Rugby League along with training guidance.

The RFL Development and Operations Team will of course be on hand to support clubs through this period. Please direct any queries to in the first instance.

For information from the Government on guidance and support relating to COVID-19, click here.

For more information on Tag Rugby League please visit

For more information on how to access guide on running your intra Touch Rugby League session please E-Mail

Stage 4 Facilitates the introduction of contact rugby league building on the Stage 3 guidance.

A full review of Stage 3 activity will be undertaken by the RFL’s Clinical Advisory Group before any Stage 4 activity will be sanctioned. This is to ensure there has been no adverse reaction to the increased activity at Stage 3.

Some of the consideration at stage 4 are:

· All activity which takes place during 2020 will be delivered locally - where possible within the same local authority area. This will minimise the impact of any local lockdowns and reduce the risk of spreading the virus by activity taking place over a wider geographical area.

· As the governing body of Rugby League all activity delivered in the remainder of 2020 will be delivered with the oversight of the RFL who will work with partners in each area to deliver a suitable playing offer between the 1st October and 28th November 2020 when the season will finish. Those partners will include the Professional Club Foundations and playing leagues who will work alongside the RFL with the community clubs in their respective areas to ensure players, coaches and other volunteers are educated correctly and appropriate playing opportunities are put in place.

· There will be no return to a competitive playing structure organised by member or affiliate leagues until 1st March 2021 at the earliest. Depending on the prevailing public health situation local and national cup competitions may take place from 1st January 2021.

Week commencing 10 August: Larger group non-contact ‘opposed’ activity including Touch and Tag RL

Week commencing 31 August: The RFL will conduct a review of current activity ahead of the proposed return to contact Rugby League training during September

October – Local friendly matches – contact Rugby League with some rule amendments including the removal of scrums

28 November: Community Rugby League 2020 season ends

1 January 2021: League planning for 2021 season including possible return of local and National Cups

1 March 2021: The return of Community Game Leagues

for all the information above plus sides go to the link below

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