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U9's v Stockport Junior Blues

U9's v Stockport Junior Blues

Jon Matthews1 Sep 2016 - 07:39
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Last game of the EMJFL Summer League

On a warm early Saturday morning, over the bank holiday weekend, the mighty GNE boys took to the pitch one last time for the summer!!! The squad looking slightly on the sleepy side, set up with the usual positions for Nathan in goal, Matthew and Lucas in defence, Len, George, Louie in midfield and Joe up front! At the kick off the boys were a little slow to chase the ball and Stockport pounced on this. They passed the ball well and after only few minutes they scored!

Cheered on by the coaches the boys set up again and began to try to pass and set up forward moving play. The ball was played through from defence and Len threw himself into a tackle and unfortunately got stood on! A quick substitution saw Alex replace him whilst first aid was administered! The GNE boys tried hard to get their game going. Some good passing led to good movement but a slip saw the opposition claim the ball and race for the goal! Some great defending from the boys saw the play slow down but a good strike and a goal saw the boys 2 down.

Again more encouragement from the coaches saw the boys set up again and try another time. Len now back on and fighting hard in the middle. The boys at this point just seemed missing something and yet again another surging run from Stockport saw another goal. The boys heads went down a little but the coaches both cheered them on.

As they set up again you could see the boys starting to get more determined! This time from the kick off we saw much slicker passing, good movement, all the boys had "woken" up and the fight back started. They passed well and stopped the oppositions runs, some great work at the back saw the team move up into the other half with more freedom. Time and time they pressed but it just wasn't going in. The keeper and defensive work from Stockport was incredible! Then the whistle for half term.

The boys got a drink and coaches explained that we were now playing as we know they can!! Second half starts with the boys looking fresh and ready to go. This change in the GNE boys shock the opposition. As the boys pushed and played they were moving with confidence. With some good moves corners were given and as in all games the pressure paid off with George firing home a goal!

A great roar came from supporters, coaches and players alike! We were in it! As the kick off started again the boys worked hard, getting good tackles in, which sometimes caught the opposition off guard. The ball was won back by Stockport and one slight slip saw a good fourth goal. The boys didn't get upset, they knew they had the better possession and with control they could get back! More good passing and when needed great defensive work saw the boys receive 3 corners and at the end of the pressure Joe fired home a scorcher!! The fight back was on!

Again they pressed, tackling well and pressuring them and our boys made some great tackles, defended well and kept trying to get those goals back! As with all games unfortunately time ran out!! With the end whistle the team may have lost but for determination, possession and passion they won hands down!

All the boys played really well but Geoff was so impressed by the defensive work he gave the Mom to Matthew.

As the last game of the summer came to an end the players old and new walked off happy, lots learned and ready for the new season!!! Thanks to all for support and to the boys for playing so well every week!

Here's to the winter leagues!

Further reading