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Function Room Hire 1 of 5


In order to comply with our licensing conditions if the person making the booking is a non-member he/she must become a member in order to book the function room. Bookings of the function room at Gomersal Cricket Club are accepted on the understanding that the hirer, as named on the booking form, accepts the following terms and conditions:
1. All bookings must be made in writing using the booking form. Any variations to a booking must be agreed and confirmed by the Club Steward, Club Stewardess or an Officer of the Club
2. The club cannot hold provisional bookings. The booking is only confirmed once the deposit has been paid.
Health and Safety
3. In accordance with the club’s licence; the maximum capacity of the function room is 80 persons seated at tables and chairs. Arrangements can be made for the shutters to be opened, in which case the room can hold more. This would need to be discussed with the Club Steward/Stewardess.
4. Fire exits and extinguishers are to be kept clear and visible at all times
5. In accordance with legislation, no smoking is permitted anywhere within the premises other than the identified areas (Smoking shelter at the rear of the building.)
6. The hirer is responsible for the conduct and behaviour of all persons attending the event. The club reserves the right to terminate the event, without any refund of costs, if the conduct and behaviour is deemed to be unacceptable.
7. To prevent the sale of alcohol to under age persons, all persons suspected of being under 21 years of age will be asked and must provide photographic approved proof of age identification. The bar staff reserve the right to make this request.
8. For parties aged 18 and below a ‘suitable adult’ must be present throughout the function to provide supervision of the people attending. A higher deposit is required for 18th parties.
9. The person booking the function will be held responsible for any damage caused by either reckless or deliberate action.
10. The consumption of drinks or food not purchased on the premises is prohibited unless there is prior agreement with Gomersal Cricket Club to allow the provision of food.
11. Gomersal Cricket Club operates a drug free policy. Illegal drugs must not be brought on to the premises.
12. Any person not complying with these rules will be asked to leave the premises.
13. Children’s Party booking rules: children must be supervised at all times, the party must remain in the function room, and the party must only take place between 12-3 on a weekend (Sundays only during cricket season). We also politely request that all drinks and snacks (i.e. crisps) are purchased from the bar.
14. Gomersal Cricket Club accepts no responsibility for the property of persons attending or organising an event.
15. Vehicles and their contents are parked in the club car park at their owners’ own risk.
End of Hire
16. The hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises and surrounding areas in a clean and tidy condition.
17. Hirers will be expected to vacate their guests and equipment within 30 minutes of the end of their hire period.
18. All function room booking requests must be accompanied by a £50 refundable deposit (£100 for 18th parties). This is refundable 3-5 days after the event, conditional on all being in order.
19. Deposits will only be refunded on production of the receipt.
20. Gomersal Cricket Club reserves the right to recover any reasonable costs over and above the deposit paid, for the repair of any damage caused and for any associated cleaning that may be required.
21. Please discuss any catering requirements with the club steward or club stewardess
22. Gomersal Cricket Club accepts no responsibility for food or refreshments provided by the hirer of the function room.
23. Tea and coffee can be made available for weekday daytime functions (i.e. funerals, conferences)
24. Tea and coffee facilities are not available for evening functions
25. For week day business meetings; tea, coffee, biscuits and a light lunch can be provided at an additional cost.
26. Nothing may be attached, nailed, screwed, stapled or fixed in any way to the walls, doors or any other furniture. That being said, blu-tack may be used in order to attach any posters/banners/bunting to the walls.
27. Media (photos/powerpoint presentations etc) can be displayed on the TV in the function room via many varied methods. Please discuss any ICT requirements with the Club Steward/Stewardess.
28. Entertainment equipment may be brought into the building subject to discussions with the club steward/stewardess. Any electrical equipment must have a valid Portable Appliance Test Certificate.
Cancellation Policy
29. Over 6 weeks prior to the booking date: return of full deposit
30. 4-6 weeks prior to the booking date: 75% deposit return
31. 2-4 weeks prior to the booking date: 50% deposit return
32. 0-2 weeks prior to the booking date: no deposit return
Use of the Cricket Out Field
33. Under no circumstances must any vehicle be driven onto the cricket field.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information provided. Gomersal Cricket Club does not accept liability for any errors or omissions and reserves the right to amend any information at any time.

Function Application Form
