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New Safeguarding Officer

New Safeguarding Officer

Andrew Picking25 Feb - 10:53

I'm Beth and I'm the Safeguarding officer at the club, taking over from Macca.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself and my role at the club. I just wanted you all to know my name and let you know that if you ever wanted to grab me for a chat, I'm at the club most Saturdays and every Sunday morning. If you have any concerns there is also a designated safeguarding email, which I monitor on a regular basis.
Anything discussed will remain confidential and I will endeavor to support to the best of my capabilities, however obviously if there are any major issues or concerns then these will be raised with the necessary bodies as deemed appropriate.
Like I say I am always happy to have a chat on either a formal or informal basis or email me at at any time and I will respond as soon as I am able.
Thank you