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Player GMS email registration

Player GMS email registration

John Berriman27 Jun - 07:13
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Snr Player's take note ! this is RFU directive individual player responsiblity not the clubs ! M&J /parent registration 'in hand'.

The following an extract from the Attached RFU doc.

Please note, this is only for players that already have GMS accounts.
Players that are currently registered to play by their club will have a GMS account but if a player does not have an account, they do not need to complete this process at this stage. From the new season, players without accounts will be invited to create an account as part of the registration process. 

From the 2024/25 season, all players at all levels and formats of the game (including non-contact from April 2025), will be required to register themselves annually to play rugby.

This is a change from the current process - whereby clubs register players on their behalf ( GRUFC currently have 80 male players registered) - that brings rugby union in line with the majority of other Unions and other sports where this is common practice.

Recently a email prompt via GMS was sent to all the registered players to their declared email addresses ( see step 3 in the block diagram) which was largely ignored .... the above directive cannot be ignored as the club will risk the penalties from the RFU for non conformance.

All players In the 1st instance please respond to the attached block diagram


Adult Player GMS registration

Further reading