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Guy's vs Cambridge

Guy's vs Cambridge

Zack Tarrant Taylor15 Oct 2013 - 15:14

Cambridge send a team to challenge a Guys XV to officially re-open the HOP clubhouse!

In 1936, Guy's Hospital Rugby Football Club celebrated the opening of it's new clubhouse at Honor Oak Park with a game against Cambridge University.

77 years on the hospital club is still going strong and about to begin a new era with a second brand new clubhouse. To officially open it Cambridge have again agreed to send a XV to challenge a Guy's XV.

20th October at 2.30pm is Kick Off. with plenty of food and drink to be served before/after/during the match.

Get yourselves along to join in the festivities and watch what will no doubt be an exciting and hard fought game on the field.

Here is a British Pathe link of the 'News in a Nutshell' video from 1936 showing the opening of the original clubhouse and match against Cambridge (watch from 1min 30secs onwards).

Further reading