Safeguarding Children
For any parent thinking of bringing a child down to the club, the Committee would like to assure all concerned that those Handsworth volunteers, involved in delivering a safe and enjoyable rugby environment, fully understand their responsibilities towards children and vulnerable adults. We operate in line with advice provided by the RFU in their Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy and Guidance.
Handsworth RUFC recognises that children are the lifeblood of the game and it is crucial that they are cared for in the correct manner. Any player under the age of 18 is classed as a child and is respected as such.
The RFU Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults in Rugby Union Policy and Guidance sets out the key principles as well as providing best practice guidance. Everyone at Handsworth shares the responsibility for safeguarding and, therefore, this policy and guidance should be read by all those involved in creating safe environments in rugby union whether as a parent, coach, spectator or club official. To see policy click here.
In order to provide children with the best possible experiences and opportunities in rugby union, it is imperative that everyone operates within an accepted ethical framework and demonstrates exemplary behaviour. In addition therefore to the RFU document, the club has other policies covering a range of related topics. These can be found via the Club Info/Documents link on the home page. These policies not only ensure that the game makes a positive contribution to the development of children, safeguards them and promotes their welfare, but also protects all personnel from allegations of abuse or poor practice.
Handsworth RUFC has a Safeguarding Officer, currently Steve Nash (contact, supported by Kali Nahal (contact Any parental concerns can be discussed with them. Allegations of abuse or poor practice will be reported to the RFU as soon as possible, in line with their advice given in reporting an incident. On all occasions the RFU consider the welfare of the child paramount.
Finally, all Handsworth volunteers undergo the criminal record checking process for those working with children or vulnerable adults.