We are very keen to promote this at Harbury and we will be using the HARBURY CARNIVAL on Saturday 8th June to raise awareness and encourage participation. Warwickshire RFU’s Rugby Development Officer Paul Scannell will be there on the day along with the RFU’s promotional stand – the giant rugby ball together with a practice area for demonstrations
It will be great fun and will help folk who have never thought of playing Touch to improve their fitness and ball skills. We are looking at mixed adult and children’S teams. The game involves 14 players – generally 7 a side with players rolling on and off. Moreover it could well bring in a new group of members to the club.
To help we need some assistance and Paul will be running a 2 hour coaching and referee course for Touch at the Club on Wednesday 15th May at 6.15 pm.
We need your help both on the refereeing course on the 15th May and at the Carnival in June.
Please contact me if you wish to be involved:
Jerry Birkbeck
Call / Text: 07855566325
E-mail: jerrybirkbeck@btinternet.com