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HARROW RFC: Abbreviated History for Website

1953. September saw the Club celebrate its move to Grove Field with opening match vs a Wasps XV featuring their England International captain P W Sykes. Both sides included County and International players.

2009. The Club is now celebrating 56 years at its Grove Field spiritual home and the venue at which they have played longest in their 118 year history.

1891: 26th November. Harrow RFC formed at The Kings Arms Hotel on Harrow on the Hill.This being the 3rd Thursday in November, this is now held as “Founders Day” annually.

1891/2: First season playing at The Recreation Ground Harrow. First fixture on Saturday 28th November playing in the original Club colours of Chocolate and Red against Hampstead.

1921/2: Post Great War reformation playing at Preston Road Harrow. This period was significant for the number of members who were Old Boys of Merchant Taylors School and a close connection was formed.

1921: Colonel Kittoe became President a position he was to hold on and off until his death in 1966.

1923/4: Ground moved to Halls Farm The Grange South Harrow with facilities at The Half Moon Public House.

1927/8: Ground move to Perrins Meadow Watford Road Harrow. This marked the development of a close association with Harrow School up to the 2nd War. A number of members and officials were masters or employees of the School.

1929/30:Club adopted the colours of Blue and White, which continue to exist, and are enshrined in the Club Rules.

1930’s: Regular annual matches against Harrow School – “Town and Gown”. Featured as a Club member at this time was D H (Dudley) Harrison later to become President of the RFU in 1966 – Harrow’s 75th Anniversary.

1939/45: Played at Northwick Park Golf Club as a combined side from Harrow, Old Gaytonians (a spin off from Harrow in the the 1930’s) and Wembley as “The Remnants”.

1946/7: Club reformed and played at Spur Road Brockley Hill sharing facilities with Mill Hill RFC.

1953: Arrival at Grove Field

1961/2 Roxeth Manor OB’s become Harrow’s 2nd “spin off”. No longer in existence after merging with Old Gaytonians and Kingsburians as West London and moving to Greenford.

1969: Redevelopment at Grove Field and the building of the present “New Clubhouse” now celebrating the 40th anniversary of its opening by Dudley Kemp President RFU and a game between Harrow Presidents XV and a Former International XV.

1970’s: Pre League Rugby was a period noted for high standard matches on Saturdays and Sundays and a revival of memorable Tours home and now also abroad. David Ransom was Chairman during that period until 1884 later becoming President of the Middlesex County RFU from 1997 to 2000 – the first Welshman to hold the position.

1974: The first appearance of Mini Rugby at the Club organised by Peter Pope. After a number of reincarnations his foresight is now evidenced by the flourishing Junior section marking itself out as one of the most successful promoters of youth Rugby in the County.

1981/2: First major overseas Tour - to Canada

1987/8: League Rugby starts with Harrow in London 111NW and maintaining a position between the lower Divisional leagues and top County leagues.

1991/2: Centenary Season with major Clubhouse refurbishment and the installation of Match standard Floodlights.An even more major Tour to West Coast Canada and USA.

2007/8: Loss of League status following injury crisis. Season played out in Merit Tables

2008/9: Return to Leagues in Herts/ Middlesex4.A successful start in the opening League fixtures has set the Club on the way in its attempt to regain higher status for future seasons.

7th October 2009
Retired Press Officer!!!


Harrow RFC Centenary Magazine 1991
