Whenever there are likely to be more cars than we can fit in our car parks we will have parking Marshalls directing people to parking areas.
Please be courteous to the Marshalls. They are performing their tasks voluntarily and are doing their best.
On Sunday Mornings parking in the club may get full so please follow these instructions and refer to the parking map for additional parking close to the club.
[b]Nobody should park on Little Common as this is private, and there is no parking in Warren Lane in coned areas. If you are parking in Warren Lane ensure all 4 wheels are in the road..
Cars approaching from the North (Bushey, Harrow etc) should park on "The Common' . Do not enter Warren Lane from the Common as this is likely to be congested on Sundays. Entrance to the club is via the footpath by the side of the ponds as indicated on the map below.
Cars approaching from the South (Stanmore) should park on Stanmore Hill. Entrance to the club is via the footpath by the side of the ponds as indicated on the map below.
Cars approaching from the East along Wood Lane(All traffic from M1 and A41) will be directed into the car park or onto Warren Lane. If no parking is available then proceed to the end of Warren Lane and turn Left and park on "The Common'.
When parking on Warren Lane please observe the passing places noted by the cones and park with all 4 wheels on the road to avoid getting a ticket.