Hi All,
Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone well and hope that you are staying safe in the current climate.
Its been a very unusual and tough time now for several months and hopefully one we will never experience again.
In regards to the first team we have been back in light training since Saturday 27th of June but have adhered to all current
FA/Government guidelines. Whilst i have been keen to get the lads back in my first priority is their health and families they go home to, so we have been extremely careful not to put anyone at risk.
So far apart from our Fulham "loanies" from last season and George Fenton all of last years squad are back in training and have verbally committed for next season. (whenever that is?)
As and when players are officially signed you will be the first to know.
I am looking to add 3 or 4 new faces, however given the current unknown situation this is slightly harder than normal.
As I'm sure you are aware we are awaiting news from the FA and Southern League regarding a re-start date and its strongly rumoured that early October could be a possibility.
Whilst nothing has been confirmed this would be welcomed news.
I do have a few pre season games agreed so far and will release a full fixture list once we get the go ahead.
In the meantime please continue to keep safe and when the time is right get back behind the club and the boys.
You will be needed more than ever.
Cheers Bakes