As Hartlepool Rugby Club continues to grow and go from strength to strength we identified that significant upgrades were required to some of our facilities to support this.
The 1893 Legacy Project was launched last year as we began our 125th Anniversary celebrations and it aims to "build on solid foundations to deliver a sustainable future."
Phase one of this project is the development of new changing facilities to accommodate the increasing number of players that enjoy their rugby at Mayfield Park on a weekly basis.
This will be partly funded by grant applications, but we will also be required to undertake our own fundraising to make up the shortfall.
One of the ways that we hope to do this is through a Buy a Brick campaign, which is something that we have done with some success in the past.
We are offering interested parties the opportunity to play their part in this project and buy a brick for just £10.
Once the development is complete your contribution will be recognised as part of a prominent display.
So far we have had over 160 pledges which is an unbelievable amount and demonstrates the incredible generosity of our community.
Our target is 300 pledges which would raise £3000.
To sponsor a brick or for more information please contact Lee Dodgson: