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Covid- 19 Safe and Secure Requirements

Covid- 19 Safe and Secure Requirements

Terry Lingley15 Oct 2020 - 14:59
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Covid- 19 Safe and Secure Requirements

In order to fully comply with all current FA requirements, please note the following applies to all visitors to HPFC

- please park as directed in your pre-game briefing
- enter the pitches via the first gate immediately past the car park and exit the pitch area via the gate nearest the clubhouse
- register via the NHS Track and Trace App
- sanitise
- do not enter the site at all if you are anyone in your household has exhibited any of the signs of Covid-19
- do not stand in groups of more than 6 on the sideline

Please note that both our changing rooms and Clubhouse are currently out of use.

We are able to serve food and drink via the hatch, please follow the signs and queue following all social distance requirements

Further reading