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27th December - save the date

27th December - save the date

Kevin Connell25 Nov 2014 - 17:29
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Christmas Fun

Another date for your diary!!!!

There is a plan for a rugby fun day on Saturday 27th December, mainly to try and run off those mince pies and maybe for some of you to escape the in-laws!!! (you see, I’m always thinking of you guys….)

We are trying to work on a day of rugby with all age groups involved, so there’ll be :

A fun day inside the function room with games and activities going on!

A mixed age group (11-15) TAG game

An under 30 vs over 30's game (‘FRIENDLY’)
(That’s age, not stone……)

Now this is where I can see a few of you getting involved. Dads, we hear you shouting on the sidelines, like you know the rules, we know you all used to play to county level, etc etc, so let’s get this put into practice, and see what you really know…..Mums – we’re gonna check the kids are ok. If you think you’re hard enough, let’s get your name put down. I’m sure Dave Kelly will let you know he had a great debut match for the 3rds on Saturday, and absolutely loved it, almost as much as when he was showing off last week, and ended up in the mud bath!!!!!

Once we know more timings and details, I’ll pass them on, but for now, put the date in your diary. It will be great to see you over the Christmas period, and this gives us the perfect excuse to get out of the house.

Be good,

Further reading