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David Streetley joins Swifts as coaching and development adviser

David Streetley joins Swifts as coaching and development adviser

Liam Spreadbury3 Mar 2022 - 11:10
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Heybridge Swifts are delighted to announce the appointment of David Streetley as coaching and development adviser for the club from March 1st.

Heybridge Swifts are delighted to announce the appointment of David Streetley as coaching and development adviser for the club from March 1st. David is a former Swifts player with over 150 appearances from the late 90’s and early 2000’s and has worked for the FA for a number of years also.

A well known and highly respected figure around the game both locally and regionally, David’s role will be focused on helping to improve both coaching and playing standards at all levels across the club, with a view to developing a distinct and consistent style, philosophy and standard across the club.

With a thriving junior section at the club and with greatly improved facilities now at the club’s disposal we have a brilliant opportunity for players and coaches at all levels to develop greater skills, learning and abilities in personal and technical development. David’s experience and knowledge in the game and also in community development will be so valuable to us and he has seen so many clubs and organisations in action over the years that he can share with us.

David will be very much a vital resource to coaches at all levels at the club and will be meeting Steve Spreadbury and a number of junior coaches as soon as possible in order to assess their needs and start creating programmes to address them.

I am sure you will all join me in wishing David well with this appointment, welcoming him back to the club, and will enjoy working with him in the exciting future ahead for us all.

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