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Holbrook Rugby Football Club is an unfamiliar name to most but the players and facilities will be well known to many rugby clubs in and around Sussex. We currently field a teams in Sussex Four West. We were originally formed in 1971 in Horsham, West Sussex as Sunallon RFC which was the name of the then Sun Alliance Sports & Social Club.This then developed into Sun Alliance RFC and following a merger with the Liverpool based Royal Insurance in 1996 into Royal & Sun Alliance RFC (RSA)

The most recent incarnation is as a result of the Sports and Social Club losing its funding from the ailing insurance company. The Executive Committee of the Club, with the unanimous backing of the membership, decided to run the Club as a standalone business and to date it is thriving with many new members joining since the doors were flung open to the local community.

Due to the nature of the central funding we were originally a company based side. However, over the years a number of ex-employees continued playing for the side plus members who were invited to join to make sure we could compete at a reasonable level.

Now as an open club we are now able to attract new players from the local community. Following the general trend in competitive sports we have struggled to run a regular second team in recent seasons but we are hoping to buck this trend with the new found interest in the sport following England's World Cup triumph. It is hoped that this site will enable current members, plus past players and supporters to keep up to date with news and events at the Club.

As well as this site you can also find out more about the whole Holbrook Club by visiting their site at