On Behalf of Hollinwood CC Football Club we herby agree to adopt the above aforementioned rules for the season 2009/2010
The title shall be Hollinwood C.C Football Club, and only members will be eligible to play for either of the teams run by the club
For every week of the season there will be a subscription of Senior Members (over 18) £5. The unemployed will also be charged a weekly subscription of £3.00
The Club Officials shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. The Officials shall elect a manager who in turn will elect a 2nd team manager, and 3rd team manager , trainers and coaches. The team managers are to elect Captains and Vice Captains.
The club shall be governed by the committee and they shall have full power by jurisdiction over all matters of business concerning the club whether provided for in these rules or not. Should any vacancies arise during the year, the committee shall have the power to co-opt a successor
The Annual general meeting shall be held on or before the 31st August in each year and the secretary shall give at least 7 days notice to each member of the place, date and time of the meeting shall accompany the notice. The notice and agenda shall also be displayed on the notice board ay the changing rooms at Hollinwood.
Prior to the Annual General Meeting, a printed balance sheet shall be issued and forwarded to each official and made available to any players.
The Season shall be deemed to start at the end of the Annual General Meeting and, therefore , any new members who have signed the registration forms for the coming season and existing members from the previous season will be eligible to vote
In the event of ANY team winning honours, the medals or shields presented shall be distributed at the manager’s discretion with the approval of the committee.
No alteration or addition to these rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at an extraordinary AGM in writing seconded by 12 members to the secretary
Insurance: if any player is injured whilst playing for the club, he must make sure that the referee makes a note on his report and also let the secretary know within 24 hours of the injury. If he is subsequently off work the following week, he must let the secretary have a sick note from his Doctor or Hospital by the Saturday following his injury. Each succeeding week he is off work the above procedure must be followed. If this procedure is not followed resulting in the claim not being accepted, the club will not accept responsibility and will not pay any money in lieu of the insurance company or league. Please note also the league benevolent fund rules on injury claims.
Any player who has any disciplinary action taken against him by the committee must be given at least 7 days notice and have the right of appeal at the next committee meeting before the action comes into effect.
The Managers are responsible of the running of the team affairs and subject only to the committee.
Any player who has signed for another club and both clubs are playing on the same day, Hollinwood F.C must take priority but any player may appeal to the manager who shall have the right to decide on such appeal
All players shall be responsible for all fines which they themselves incur is cautions, sendings off etc. failure to, pay such fines within seven days will result in an administration charge being incurred for non payment also being charged, or before the end of any suspension so incurred will automatically exclude any such player from selection to any team. Any player, who leaves the club within our or other local leagues as not having paid such fines, will not receive a clearance certificate from the club.
(If a player is booked on a Saturday for the club it is requested he brings his booking fee the following week)
The committee shall have full power to decide any urgent matter appertaining to the club.
All members must guarantee to sell at least 2 tickets for all social events that the club may hold.
Every player and official shall be members. Membership must be paid prior to the start of the season. Membership is set at £25 . This entitles the member to enter the clubs private rooms and enjoy any of its facilities
Any player found drinking any intoxicating liquors or drugs prior to any game shall be suspended for 2 games.
Any player failing to turn up for matches or training without giving prior warning will be suspended for a minimum of one game
All players shall play for which ever team they are selected for. As players sign for the club and not a particular team
There can be elected by each team a Players Representative who can attend any managers meeting with matters arising if no satisfaction is given then the representative can go to the full committee.
All friendliest are to be fully self financing e.g. Referees fees, ground fees, transport, etc
Any player 4 weeks in arrears with subs will not be eligible for any team selection.
In the event of the club ceasing to exist any remaining assets belonging to the club shall be used as payment of all creditors or shall be distributed to the sports community of Oldham or be used for any sporting charitable purpose.
A training night will be arranged for all teams throughout the season on Chapel Road 3G Pitch. This night is compulsory and players must attend unless prior permission is agreed with the relevant manager as will be a preference for team selection
If a player is out through injury or suspension then they are expected to return playing for a lower team and are not guaranteed an automatic place in the first team.