The 500 Club is one of, if not the most popular fund raising activities in the UK, probably because it is easy to enter and the rewards can be substantial, both in terms of prize money and funds raised.
The rules are very simple - the cost of entry to the draw is £5 per month. We have made it EASY to enter via Paypal, it takes 30 seconds!!
The size of the monthly prizes is dictated by how many people join and Holyport Football Club are committed to return 50% of the income in prize funds. The other 50% will be ring fenced in an account for our ground Rent and any excess will be spent on ground improvements.
To enter via Paypal please click HERE
The application form below includes a more detailed list of the rules of the 500 Club and an entrance form if this is the preferred method.
Please print the application form and bank mandate form below. Please complete and return with the appropriate payment or duly completed standing order form to:
The 500 Club
Richard Tyrell
56 Clare Road
Many thanks for your support.