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Club Statement

Club Statement

Adam Smith16 May - 12:08
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The club can confirm that 1st team manager Shaun Wilkes has stepped down from his position.

Shaun has informed the club that he has decided to take up a position as part of a management team at a club in a higher league after talks over the last few days. The offer to work at a higher level and test himself was something he felt he couldnt turn down at this stage.

Shaun has been at the club for 2 and a half season. In that time he has led the club away from a relegation fight, solidified are position at step 6 and last season led the club to its highest ever league finish of 4th & ended in a semi final play off defeat.

Shaun has contributed greatly these last few years in helping the club grow and we thank him for all his hard work. As a club we want to wish Shaun well in his new role and hope its as successful as his time at Ingles.

The club hope to be in a position in the next day or two to announce Shauns successor. #UTI

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