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Chasers WASPA win for Kye in Essex

Chasers WASPA win for Kye in Essex

Terry Arnold24 May 2023 - 22:41
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Another win for Kye topping the table in the Chasers Club WASPA

Kye wins the CHASERS (Chadwell Heath & South Essex, Romford Subbuteo) Club WASPA Cup, undefeated on the night with Terry coming in 3rd behind London’s Martin Bellefontaine!
With 9 players in the tournament, it was a good chance to play new opponents from our nearest Club to Kent.

Huge thanks to Gary Gladwell and the team for a great night of flicking!

Results from tonight
Wednesday 24th May 2023

Rd 1
Terry 0 - 0 Martin
Samantha 0 - 4 Gary
Mark F 0 - 4 Kye
Adam 1 - 1 Mark W

Rd 2
Gary 3 - 1 Jonathan
Mark F 0 - 2 Martin
Mark W 2 - 0 Samantha
Adam 1 - 1 Kye

Rd 3
Mark F 0 - 4 Terry
Jonathan 0 - 2 Mark W
Adam 0 - 0 Martin
Samantha 0 - 8 Kye

Rd 4
Mark W 2 - 3 Gary
Adam 0 - 1 Terry
Kye 2 - 0 Jonathan
Samantha 0 - 3 Martin

Rd 5
Adam 0 - 0 Mark F
Gary 0 - 3 Kye
Samantha 2 - 2 Terry
Jonathan 1 - 3 Martin

Rd 6
Kye 1 - 0 Mark W
Samantha 0 - 1 Mark F
Martin 1 - 0 Gary
Jonathan 0 - 5 Terry

Rd 7
Jonathan 1 - 1 Mark F
Mark W 0 - 0 Terry
Adam 0 - 0 Gary

1 Kye Arnold 16pts
2 Martin Bellefontaine 14
3 Terry Arnold 12
4 Gary Gladwell 10
5 Mark West 8
6 Adam Jackson 5
7 Mark Francis 5
8 Jonathan Beales 1
9 Samantha Levy 1

Further reading