Kye takes the win tonight with a 2-1 shots victory over Mig in the final (0-0) with Dave defeating Tom 2-0 to take 3rd place in the the Monday Night Flicks at PSA.
With new players Gary and U12s flicker Hadley taking part it was good fun for all ??⚽️?
Dave 0-0 Max
Mig 3-0 Dave
Mig 2-0 Max
Gary 0-0 Maria
Kye 3-0 Gary
Kye 0-0 Maria
Tom 2-0 Hadley
Terry 2-0 Tom
Terry 2-1 Hadley
Dave & Gary replaced Max & Maria in Barrage
Terry 1-1 Dave
Dave wins 2-1 on shots
Gary 0-1 Tom
Mig 4-0 Tom
Kye 2-0 Dave
3rd/4th Place
Dave 2-0 Tom
Kye 0-0 Mig
Kye wins 2-1 on shots
Well done Kye on breaking Mig’s winning streak and a massive congratulations to Tom as for his best Club night finish with a couple of wins!????⚽️?