Kew AFC Youth Constituion


In K.A.F.C’s. Youth Section the philosophy is “Play Football and Have Fun”.

In order to achieve this aim it requires the combination of hard work, determination, ability and dedication. The Club strives to provide the very best for Players who bring these qualities and realises it is not always the most talented Players who are best for the Team and Club. Players who excel in all areas of hard work, determination, ability and dedication will more likely be rewarded with promotion within the Club. The Club will encourage Players who have all these qualities. The Club will work hard to provide all Club Managers with the best resources available to the Club to assist Player’s and Teams and achieve their goals. If Teams and Players are successful, then the Club is successful.
One of the Club’s aims is have K.A.F.C. respected as other clubs including the likes of Kingstonian, Wimbledon A.F.C. and Corinthians Football Clubs. The Youth Section of the Club has developed significantly over recent years. The Club strives to be recognised as a leader in Youth Football.

Club Application & Fees

Any Player accepted by the club is required to complete in full a Club Registration Form. Registration is the only way a Player is permitted to participate in games with the appropriate League. Players are obliged to provide details to the Club of any Medical Conditions. The Club regard this information as data protected and as such all information provided will be held by the Club’s Welfare Officer.

For existing Players, a recently taken passport photo for each new season is required in order to apply for new League I.D. cards. Managers will inform Players about the deadline for this requirement.

For new Players a recently taken passport photo and a copy of either a birth certificate or passport are required. Originals of these documents will not be accepted. Managers will inform Players about the deadline for this requirement.

Please note that registration does not guarantee any playing time during a game or being placed on a squad for a game.

Fees are set by the Club prior to the start of registration so every Player and Parent/Guardian is aware of the cost before making a commitment. The cost can be spread over the season as outlined by the Club, normally by providing post-dated cheques. No discounts will be given to those who pay in advance.

Should a Player have difficulty meeting fee criteria they should liaise with their Manager or the Club’s Youth Secretary.

No fees or part of shall be returned after December 31st during a playing season should a Player decide to leave or transfer to another club.

If required, a breakdown of the allocation of fees can be provided. Please contact the Club Treasurer.


The Youth Section of the Club aims to provide playing opportunities at all age groups and for both boys and girls.

Age groups range from Under 8’s to Under 18’s. The number of teams registered to play each year is primarily dictated by the number of Players who want to play at a particular age level and the willingness of a Manager to organise the team.

One of the Club’s aims is to have at least ten Youth Teams registered and playing each season and to build on this number as each season passes.

The Club will promote the Youth Section to the local community on a regular basis in order to attract new Player’s and Manager’s to the Club. All people connected with the Club are encouraged to promote opportunities for playing and managing at the Club.

Training continues throughout the year. In the closed season training is free for any Player who has registered and paid fees in full.

It is important for Players to know that training is equally as important as actually playing and K.A.F.C. take this very seriously. Qualified coaches are provided and Players from the senior adult sides are encouraged to provide additional support. Training is the most vital part of this Club’s success and for that reason several points must be made clear and understood by all Players. To that end all Players must observe the following:

• In the playing season (this officially starts one month prior to the first League game) Training is NOT an optional activity, it's compulsory! If a Player does not attend training they will not play, unless there is a valid excuse. Continued absence will seriously jeopardise their position within their respective Team.

• The Club will assume that all Players who register will attend training. If a Player cannot attend it is their responsibility to inform the Manager or Coach that they will not be available. It is important that this happens as it helps the Club to correctly set up the training areas.

• Timekeeping. Training will start on a day and time specified by the team Manager. Players should attend at least 10 minutes before the practice start time in order to be ready for the start of practice.

• Behaviour. It is important that Players listen and behave as per the Code of Conduct of the Club. If a Manager or Coach gives an instruction or offers advice it is important to listen and acknowledge. Scouts from bigger clubs come to training sessions and games looking for young players who want to move to higher levels of play. They look for discipline as well as ability.

• Training will be hard work and, more often than not, repetitive. The Club’s basic playing philosophy is CONTROL, PASS and MOVE. This is fundamental to a team’s success. This is reflected in training and if Players work hard and focus on getting things right in training, then the fun will start and the end result will be fantastic, flowing entertaining football. There is nothing in this game more enjoyable, not only for the Players, but also for the Club and supporters.


Playing kit and Training/Tracksuit kit will be provided for registered and paid up Players as part of Club fees (not for “Pay as Play” players). It is the Player’s responsibility to look after the kit. If the kit is damaged or lost whilst in the Player’s possession (outside of playing conditions) there may be a charge for a replacement.

It is advised that match kit (any part of) should not be worn to training sessions.

Please note that the playing kit (shirts and shorts) remain the property of K.A.F.C. at all times.

Code of Conduct

The Club is determined to be a model for other clubs, the League and the F.A., particularly in the way Players and Managers conduct themselves both on and off the field.

The Club has introduced a “Zero Tolerance” policy. Please note this policy applies not only to visiting players, club officials and supporters but also to all Club personnel, both at home and away.

K.A.F.C. is a Standard Charter Club and as such requires all Club Members conduct themselves appropriately on and off the field.

Please refer to the Club’s Code of Conduct. This must be signed by all Players or Parents/Guardians of Players, Managers and Club Officials before participating in Club activities.

Discipline & Fines

If Players abide by the criteria as outlined above there should be no issues with Discipline and Fines.

Fines may be given in two ways. The most common are those as a result of cautions issued during a game in the form of a Yellow Card (Caution) or Red Card (Dismissal). Please refer to the relevant League Rules for the levy on each caution.

Fines are not covered by Club fees and therefore will not be paid by the Club on behalf of any Player or Club Official.

Fines may be issued by the Club to any Player or Club Official if found in breach of the Club’s Code of Conduct.

In addition to any fine received the person concerned will receive an additional £2 administration fee from the Club. They may also receive further disciplinary action from the Club and the League.

If a Player receives a caution during a game they may receive a fine. They will receive a letter from the Club Youth Secretary indicating the amount that needs to be paid. The Player must pay this immediately. Failure to do so will result in the Player being suspended by the Club until the fine is paid.

There is no appeal against a Yellow Card. Red Cards are subject to appeal.

Only the Team Captain may approach the match official during a game.

Health & Safety

Every effort will be made to secure the health and safety of Players, Club Officials and Supporters whilst within the perimeter of the Club. This effort can only be made if all parties concerned behave and conduct themselves appropriately.

All Managers must carry a First Aid Kit and there will be a qualified first aider on the premises at all times practice or games are taking place.

All incidents relating to Health and Safety must be reported to the Club Welfare Officer

K.A.F.C. offers no guarantee on Health and Safety whilst outside the perimeter of the Club premises.

Unless written non-consent is received photography is allowed within the grounds and the Club’s Welfare Officer will ensure that all parties concerned are approved. If any person has any concerns please liase with a Club Team Manager or the Club’s Welfare officer.

The Club has an appointed Welfare Officer. All incidents for concern must be reported to the Welfare Officer. Failure to do so may place the Club’s status in jeopardy or result in a fine.

Club Officials (at 2011/2012)

Chairman – Stuart Whitwell
Club Senior Secretary – John Kane
Treasurer – Craig Evans
Welfare Officer – Chris Galvin
Senior Fixtures Secretary – DW Smith
Referee Secretary – Chris Grady
Communications Officer – John Kane
Training Officer – Martin Clark
Kit and Equipment Officer – Craig Evans
Youth Section Secretary – Martin Clark
Committee Member – John Charalambous

The Club welcomes all Players, Managers, Club Officials and Supporters and wishes everyone involved with the Club the very best for every season.

K.A.F.C. wants everyone to work hard and have fun and be an excellent example to all other Football Clubs.

Any person who has questions or concerns about this Constitution should contact the Youth Section Club Secretary.