The beer and wine flowed as good company and great speakers filled the night. The meal was well prepared and served by the ladies at the club and the entertainment from our guest speaker Steve Claridge was top notch whilst we were most richly entertained by side splitting comedian Jed Stone.
On behalf of The Football Club I would like to put on record our thanks to everyone at North Oxford Golf Club especially future Captain Alan Wood, the waitresses, cooks and bar staff.
A special thanks to our committee man Peter Brooks who ran the nights envelope draw and ticket raffle. Is there a busier man of his age in the country? His efforts certainly raised a few much needed pounds for KFC.
Also a big thank you to all and everyone of you for coming along and supporting this event, without your support this type of night wouldn't be possible.
Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank Mr Lloyd Wray. As most of you know Lloyd has a long association with Kidlington FC stretching back too many years to mention.
Lloyd has served the Club as a player, manager, committee man and chairman, but of all the jobs he's had whilst being part of KFC, it's his organisation of these special sportsman's dinners that I think he'll be remembered for most. I think we counted this was his seventh but unfortunately his last as he's leaving our shores to set up a new life down under with his lovely wife Christine in the New Year.
Lloyd, we all wish you well and thank you for all your efforts in staging these wonderful sportsman's dinners.
Thanks everyone & COYG