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OCA & Cherwell Proposed Merger

OCA & Cherwell Proposed Merger

Daniel Floyd19 Jul 2016 - 08:16
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OCA & Cherwell Proposed Merger

Hi Everyone

This is a very important email which MUST BE MADE AVAILABLE TO all your Management committees and club members, as it does involve everyone who plays for an OCA club and is vital for cricket well into the future.

Last Wednesday, approximately 2/3rds of the OCA clubs attended the combined meeting and we wish to thank those who did, and felt that it was worthwhile and 'set the scene' so to speak, which will hopefully lead to further talks between the two leagues, and then the clubs as things progress.

We are attaching a circular, and the slides from the 'power-point' presentation, which will be particularly useful for those who did not attend the meeting. Also attached are details of grounds standards, which we hope you find useful in your deliberations.

We are now asking all the member clubs to carefully consider the benefits of the 'proposed merger' and to bring to our attention any matters that you feel you need answers on, and these will be discussed by the Executive committee, so that we can bring together the many things that will need to be agreed before we can move this forward. Basically, we are asking the clubs if they wish the Executive to 'continue talking' and at this point it is not a question of a 'finalised deal', but to ask whether your club is prepared to support the merger or otherwise?

Please bring this matter to the attention of as many as possible in your club, so that you can respond by using the grades 5 - 1, as detailed in the attached circular.

We apologise for the rather short deadline, but due to holidays and other commitments we need to organise further meeting dates fairly quickly.

Kind regards

Colin Olliffe

OCA General Secretary


Letter to OCA and Cherwell Clubs r proposed merger


OCA & Cherwell Leahue ground & facilities

Further reading