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News and Upcoming Events

Robert Naylor17 Dec 2017 - 14:03
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NYE, AGM & Winter Nets...

New Year's Eve @ KICC

As ever the Club will be hosting a NYE Party in the Chic Reeve Lounge on 31st December from 7:30pm. It's always a good night so why not come along and welcome 2018 with KICC!

*Whilst we hope Santa brings you everything you want for Christmas we would quite happily receive any unwanted gifts for the raffle on the night.

AGM - Monday 8th January 7:30pm

A reminder that our AGM is little over a month away; all members will be receiving the relevant AGM documents in the near future via email or post.

Winter Nets

Winter nets will be starting again on Weds 17th Jan through until Weds 21st March from 7:15-8:15pm each week at the Nottingham High School.

All that remains is to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from KICC, see you all in 2018!

Further reading