£100 - 64 Sam Brown
£ 75 - 150 Tom Hutchinson
£ 50 - 74 Jane Hutchinson
£ 25 - 128 Bryan David
Drawn by KPFC Committee Members
If you are one of the lucky winners please contact Graham on 07551755253
We encourage more members to participate in this important club fundraising activity. If you're interested in joining the draw and are not already a participant, please reach out to the promoter, Graham Bunning, or any committee member for details and registration forms.
The draw takes place in the clubhouse on the Saturday of the 1st team home match that is nearest to the end of the month, or on the first Saturday of the following month. Individual numbers can also be purchased on the day of the draw for £5 each, which will enter you into that month's draw. Winners will be displayed on our website and on the K&PFC notice board.