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Lambwath u8s on a Winning Streak! - April 2017

Lambwath u8s on a Winning Streak! - April 2017

MARTIN PARR5 Apr 2017 - 09:57
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After enjoying the KR event, with 2 big wins, the players were at East Hull Festival last night, Tuesday 4th April full of expectations.

The lads were against 2 West Hull sides and finished with a match v Myton Warriors. The bulk of the 8 player squad played together at u7's and have trained hard since November on the outdoor Liberty Green home site. Their speed, handling and team work in defence was fully on display as they scored on most attacks to win the three games with a bit "left in the tank". The West hull sides appeared to have a lot of newbies and will come good as the season goes on, whilst the Myton team gave stiff opposition to us.
Yusuf, Cole, Leo and Warren were dominant powerful runners, with the speedy Rhys relishing playing at his True age range after stepping up an age last season. The new lads of Cory, Owen and Josh are still finding their feet, but all goes well with 2 new players' watching from the side-lines and eager to train on Saturday for the first time! Thanks from coaches - Martin and Dave, to the players for going on other club sides to help run a 6 a side competition! "Men of the Match" -- Yusuf and Warren but closely followed by the rest!!!
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