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The club shall be known as “Langholm Legion Football Club”.


2.1 To benefit the communities of Langholm and Eskdale through the promotion and participation of soccer and to assist those in the pursuit of excellence, primarily in the Border Amateur League.

2.2 To gain entrance to the East of Scotland League should playing and financial resources permit.

2.2 To promote soccer for the benefit of all and without bias in regards race, colour, politics, religion, sex, or age.

2.3 To establish the need for and pursue funding for equipment in which to promote and develop soccer participation at all levels and by all groups in the community.


Membership shall be available to all people interested in the promotion and development of football in Langholm and Eskdale, including players, coaches or supporters.


4.1 The Club Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall have responsibility for the day to day running of club.

4.3 The Club Committee shall consist of at least 8 members and shall consist of the following:-

Vice - Chairman
Club Secretary
Team Manager
& At Least 3 Ordinary Committee Members

4.5 The Club Committee shall have power to co-opt members to fill vacancies which may occur and such co-opted members shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club.

4.6 The Club Committee shall have the power to establish Sub Committees and shall determine the terms of reference of such Sub Committees.


5.1 Annual General Meeting

5.1.1 The AGM shall be held on an agreed date in July decided by the Secretary and Treasurer in office to be advertised a minimum of 14 days before the due date. The AGM shall be open to any person interested in the promotion of the objectives of the club.

5.1.2 Only persons who have been on the committee or who are signed players at the end of the season shall be eligible to vote at the AGM. Persons elected to the committee at the AGM shall be eligible to vote on matters thereafter.

5.1.3 The minimum number required to form a quorum at the AGM shall be six persons eligible to vote under clause 5.1.2 above.

5.2 Club Committee Meetings

5.2.1 In the absence of the Chairman the Vice Chairman shall chair meetings including the AGM and hold the casting vote.

5.2.2 Meetings of the Club Committee described shall be held on not less than four occasions per annum.

5.2.3 The minimum number required to form a quorum at a Club Committee meeting shall be four members.

5.3 Special General Meetings

5.3.1 A Special General Meeting may be held at the discretion of the club committee where that Committee considers there is business of an exceptional nature which requires to be discussed by all members. A Special General Meeting shall also be convened on request of no less than four or more committee members.

5.3.2 Only persons who have been on the committee or who are signed players at the end of the season shall be eligible to vote at a SGM.

5.3.3 The minimum number required to form a quorum at a SGM shall be six persons eligible to vote under clause 5.1.2 above.


6.1 Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall :-

6.1.1 Receive the annual reports of the Club Committee Officers and of any Sub Committee which may have been set up in terms of Clause 4.6 above.

6.1.2 Receive the annual audited statement of accounts.

6.1.3 Confirm appointment of 8 members of the Management Committee.

6.1.4 Elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Team Manager and other members to the Committee.

6.1.5 Appoint one auditor.

6.1.6 Vote on any proposals which may be put forward to amend the constitution.

6.1.7 Deal with any other competent business.

6.2 Minutes

The Secretary shall ensure that a correct written record is made of all proceedings and resolutions determined at any meeting. Such minutes shall be submitted for approval and adoption at the next appropriate meeting.


7.1 Any proposed amendments to this Constitution must be delivered in writing to the Secretary of the Club Committee not less than fourteen days before the date of a General or a Special General Meeting at which such proposal is to be considered.

7.2 At least fourteen days clear notice in writing of such a meeting setting forth the terms of the amendment to be proposed shall be given by the Secretary to all members of the Group.

7.3 Any amendments to this Constitution may only be altered at an AGM or SGM on a two thirds majority of those eligible to vote in attendance at the meeting.


8.1 The Group’s financial year shall run from 1st July to 30th June in each year.

8.2 The accounts of the Club shall be independently verified annually by one suitable candidate appointed at the Annual General Meeting or where necessary at an SGM.

8.3 A verified statement of accounts for the preceding financial year shall be submitted by the Treasurer to the Annual General Meeting.

8.4 The Club shall have power to obtain, collect and receive money and funds by means of contributions, donations, sponsorship, fund raising activities, subscriptions, legacies, grants or any other lawful method and to accept and receive gifts of any description.

8.6 All monies raised or held on behalf of the club shall be applied only for those objects and purposes detailed in Clause 2 above and for no other purpose whatsoever.

8.7 Office bearers, members and players may be paid out of pocket expenses incurred on behalf of the club in furtherance of its objectives at the discretion of the Club Committee.

8.8 The Treasurer of the group shall keep proper accounts and finances of the club and shall give a report at each meeting of the Club Committee.

8.9 All cheques and monies drawn shall be signed by the Treasurer and one other specified, non –connected (no family or business connections), office bearer.


9.1 The Club may be dissolved by a resolution passed by a majority of two thirds of those present and voting at a SGM convened for the purpose of which not less than twenty-eight days notice shall have been given to all members of the Group.

9.2 In the event of dissolution of the Club any remaining assets, after all or any outstanding debts and liabilities have been discharged, shall be transferred to and vested in any body or bodies having similar aims and objectives to the club.