Who are we?
David Callaghan, Josh Reed and Ben Tyres, All the coaches within Leicester Forest RFU have had CRB checks by the RFU. There is always at least one trained first aider at all the training sessions and events. David is currently the qualified first aider. All the coaches for the U7 will all have completed an RFU first aid course, and the rugby ready coaching course (tag rugby) by mid October. Then later in the year RFU Stage one coaching qualification. We all give up our time for free, and for the satisfaction of seeing ours and your children enjoy a great game.
Website http://www.pitchero.com/clubs/leicesterforest/
Please sign up to the website, it contains the coaches contact details, all of the fixtures, times to meet, the addresses (and maps) of any away games, match reports, any pictures that have been taken and other info on events at the club.
Please, when you sign up make sure you add yourself as a supporter, parent, even if you are already a member please edit your profile to state you are a parent, and state that your child is in the u7, also add their name. We can then link you to their player profile. The child's player profile only contains their name and RFU registration number, no other information or photos. all e-mails will be directed to the parents it does no mater if you are a grand parent, or carer, you can still be added as a parent, and a child can have multiple parents. just have a word with any of the age group coaches.
We will eventually be sending all our correspondences by e-mail, via the web site rather than texts, as we can send maps, flyers, and generally more info. Please do not, worry about being spammed the club does not sell e-mail addresses so you will not get constantly spammed or sent loads of junk by the club or others.
To play in any fixture each child must have registered with the club. Every game we play, all children will get a game. The fixtures are generally a few matches and we will do some games and training in between the matches. The match's are 10 mins per half. Some of the festivals are 5 mins per half, so we can get all the games in, and the finals played.
Our first fixture is in a weeks time!!!!!! This is the Syston festival we will drop you a note with the meet time we should have a gazebo down there so the children can keep either dry, or hopefully out of the sun. The details will be, are on the web site.
Leicester Forest are hosting a Lexus tournament on the 26th of October this is the only fixture we know of, that we have a limited team size, 8 children. This is on the last Sunday of half term. We really need to know who is and who is not available, please either text or e-mail David with your availability.
We will require volunteers to help with the festival as approximately 1000 people from 7 other teams will be on site, this could be helping with food stalls, assisting with the car parks. setting up on the Saturday, afternoon, getting pitches roped off. We need 26 volunteers just for the food stalls. even if you can only help for a short period. The 7, 8, 9s and 10s are the teams involved no other teams have training or matches.
For every volunteer we (U7) put forward, the club will give us a payment into out "Tour Fund" we will use this later in the year to subsidise a trip out, last year we went to Wickstead park camping for a week end.
Attached is an abridged version of the rules the children will play to.
Remember they are children, and this is not the world cup! enthusiasm is welcomed, and please give respect to both teams, even applaud good play by the opposition, and always give the utmost respect to the officials. (its not football!!!!!!!).
Win or loose lets have fun.
The new shirts should be here for mid October, can the children please wear a blue t shirt for matches until they arrive. We will probably wear bibs as well.
Please also ensure they have the correct shoes, at the moment the ground is still hard, and you can get away with trainers, they will require boots at some point. if you have boots your child has grown out of you can donate them to the club, just see one of the coaches and they will put them in the kit bag. There are a couple of pairs in there already if they are of any use to anyone they are free.
When the kit is here we will arrange for a team photo,both for the web site and a copy of the file for you.
Please ensure you are on time for training, i know parking is hard...... when you arrive can help get your child to get a TAG belt on, and please get them to drop the water bottle off with the team water bottles. This is so they don't run off and we can always keep them in sight. We have a lot of team water bottles if they want to or forget theirs they can use them.
We try to refrain them from kicking the balls, as sooner or later someone will get hit in the face, and it will probably be an unsuspecting supporter. If you see your child kicking the ball please ask them to stop. The eyes in the backs of our heads don't always work.
Sunday the 2nd of November is the Leicester Forest RFC Firework display. The gates open at 3:00 there is food and a fun fair. Fireworks start at 6:30 and again at 7:00pm It is cheaper to buy the tickets in advance U15 £5, Adult £8, Family Ticket £20 which is 2 adults and 3 children club members 2 adults and 4 children.
please do not bring sparklers on site, they stick in the grass and if people fall on them while playing they can be really dangerous. please help check the pitches when you are down.
Again we will need volunteers. All the money goes back into the club and pays for the facilities.
Please see the coaches for tickets and or to help out, either before during and after the event.
Rugby Camp
The tigers are running a tag rugby camp for 3 mornings during half term. you will have been given the leaflet. It is good fun, you also get a free child's ticket to the saracens game and a discounted adult ticket. this can be booked on their website.
Xmas Party
We will be holding an xmas party for the children near Christmas. With a disco and a visit from Santa!!! we will give you the dates a little nearer the time.
and Finally
The Kitchen
A big thank you to those who volunteered for the kitchen last Sunday. Our next kitchen duty is on the 7th of December. Again can we have 2 volunteers to help out for the morning. From about 9 till 12:30 ish.
Please see any of the coaches to put your name forward.