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Midlands Football League Presentation Night

Midlands Football League Presentation Night

Website Admin11 Jun 2017 - 18:30

A hat trick of Fair Play Awards and Joint Player of the Year for the division

Leicester Road Football Club were awarded more honours last night at the Midlands Football League Presentation Night.

The club were awarded the Fair Play Award for 2016-2017 season. This is the third season in succession that we have been awarded this accolade and it speaks volumes for how Leicester Road Football Club conducts itself:-

  • not only on the field of play through our players and staff;
  • not to mention our supporters during matches;
  • plus our directors on match days;
  • as well as when hosting visiting clubs;
  • and not to forget our own conduct when travelling way to visit other clubs.

Even though our senior team won the award, this trait is consistent with every team at Leicester Road.

To cap the night off Matty Stenson was voted joint top player of the year for our division alongside Alex Naughton of Atherstone Town.

This is a remarkable achievement for Matty in his first full season back after being out for over 2 seasons and then battling back through a meticulous rehabilitation programme supervised by Carl Daborn and Neil Lyne personally.

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