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Information Sheet Monday 11th November 2019

Information Sheet Monday 11th November 2019

David Rowland10 Nov 2019 - 20:15
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It's Getting Colder. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrh


Saturday, 16th November Southport for ‘Children in Need’ with Newburgh and others
Names: S.Bonnet(?), L.Daniels, M.Halliday, Sue Jennings(?) - afternoon
M.Bailey, G.Carson, I.Flintoff, B.Freedman, G.Godber, R.Smith, D.Thompson, A.Tipping(?)
Kit: YELLOW sash on LEFT shoulder, shoes & bellpads.
Venue: Chapel Street, outside M & S
Meet: FOR 10:30 am please.
Parking Suggest the Esplanade Park & Ride, near Pleasureland (£2 for the day) and the bus into town. Get
off at Christ Church on Lord Street. Walk between the church and the Town Hall through to
Chapel Street.
Don’t lose your ticket, you’ll need it for the return journey as well.
Details: Dancing from 10:30 to 12 noon. Lunch. Dancing again from 1 pm.
Lunch: Own arrangements. Cafe 1821 at Christ Church is very convenient, has toilets etc. BUT has gone
more up-market and prices have increased accordingly!

Many thanks.... those who helped to put the 2nd Leyland Cubs through their paces on Monday, 28th October (quite a demanding session) and then the Moss Side St James’ Beavers last Thursday evening (for which we received a £30 donation).
Thanks also to those who were able to attend the AGM last Monday night. Minutes of the meeting will be circulated when finalised.

Annual Subscriptions....
....of £10 are now due. Please pay them to Andrew or, in his absence, to Mike.

Mondays 18th & 25th
Next 2 practice sessions.

Monday, 2nd December
Either........our annual Christmas meal together (to be decided tonight) OR another practice.

Monday, 9th December Garstang Victorian Fair
Details to be circulated nearer the time.

Programme 2020
Mike would welcome your ideas.

Lmm 2020 Calendar
Mike has a limited number still available @ £5 each.

Further reading