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Identical Game brings Identical Result

Identical Game brings Identical Result

Aaron Jones10 Jun 2018 - 16:01
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In a repeat of last months clash between Bolton Mets and Littleborough RL, the away side once again blew away the opposition by 44 points to 12.

Having beaten Bolton Mets at Greenfield Pavilion by 42-18 4 weeks ago, Littleborough continued their winning streak in imperious fashion as Boro led 32-4 at the break after converted tries from Keenan Mason x2, debutante Steven McNamara and David Kearns.

Within 5 minutes of the game, left winger Keenan Mason made the very most out of what looked like a misplaced kick by Dom Kershaw, to beat 3 defenders down the left side inside the Bolton Half.

His centre partner Steven McNamara then grabbed his first for his new side as he darted his way through the defence inside his own half to sprint clear into open space and find the whitewash.

Not far behind second row David Kearns then got his 4th in 2 matches to power over from close range.

Bolton Mets left winger then pulled one back for a beleaguered Bolton side that could not cope with Littleborough's intensity and sheer brute force in defence. It wasn't only in defence that Boro showed their credentials as brothers Nathan and Keenan Mason both scored great individual tries to give the visitors an unassailable lead.

In an end to end second half in hot and humid conditions, Bolton struck first with a cheeky dart down the blind side from the hooker after Boro full back Nathan Coop had done so well to deny the home side centre from scoring in the left corner.

Spurred on by the loss of a try, Littleborough took hold of their ascendancy once more with further quick fire tries from Steven McNamara, David Kearns and Jack Whittles.

McNamara was the rich beneficiary of a superb fizzing pass from Adam Browne that left two defenders clutching at thin air and wondering how they had just conceded. David Kearns also made the look defence very ordinary as he utilised great work from Keenan Mason at kick off to power through gaps in the defence and round the full back to go in next the posts.

Forward Jack Whittles then took the score beyond 40 points and pass the previous match total as he scythed through a hole in the Bolton rearguard on a brilliant running line off a defence splitting Dom Kershaw pop pass.

In the final moments of an action packed and fiery encounter, Bolton restored some pride with a third try but it was not enough to deny Littleborough yet another victory on the road and sets them up nicely for a home game against Bury Broncos.

Further reading