Club Development

Loch Lomond Rugby Club is steadily growing, To keep up with this growth we are having to look at other options of how to see our future develop.

As we have an ever growing mini section and are now upwards of 200 people involved in the club our premesis we have a few options.

Expand as much as possible and re work what we have.

Relocate and build fit for purpose.

Relocate and build a full community sports hub.

At present we are looking hard at option 3, as we now have Free Spirit Fitness,Lomond Archers, Calanetics added to 7 teams of our own.

If you have any views or comments on this please contact us at any time through the Forum or website in general.

All input is valid as we are in the process of creating a multi sports club which will have activities,sports and fitness for all age groups through a range of clubs