Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Clubs, Coaches, Players and Match Officials
All Persons:-
o must ensure that the Game is played and conducted in accordance with disciplined and sporting
behaviour and acknowledge that it is not sufficient to rely solely upon the match officials to
maintain those principles;
o shall co-operate in ensuring that the spirit of the Laws of the Game is
upheld and refrain from selecting players guilty of foul play;
o shall not repeatedly breach the Laws of the Game;
o shall accept and observe the authority and decisions of referees, touch judges, match officials
and all other rugby disciplinary bodies, subject to Regulation 17 (Discipline);
o shall not publish or cause to be published criticism of the manner in which
a referee or touch judge handled a match;
o shall not publish or caused to be published criticism of the manner in which the Scottish Rugby
Union handled or resolved any dispute or disciplinary matter resulting from a breach of the Bye-
Laws, Regulations, or Laws of the Game;
o shall not engage in any conduct or any activity on or off the field that may impair public
confidence in the honest and orderly conduct of a match, tour, tournament or series of matches
(including, but not limited to, the supply of information in relation to the Game, directly or
indirectly, to bookmakers) or in the integrity and good character of any person;
o shall promote the reputation of the Game and take all possible steps to prevent it from being
brought into disrepute;
o shall not commit a doping offence as defined in IRB Regulation 21 (Anti Doping);
o shall not abuse, threaten or intimidate a referee, touch judge or other match official, whether on
or off the field of play;
o shall not use foul or abusive language or gestures towards referees, touch judges or other match
officials or spectators;
o shall not do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against
any other person on the ground of their religion, race, colour or national or ethnic origin;
o shall not do anything which adversely affects the Game of Rugby Football, the Scottish Rugby
Union, any member club or Union or any commercial partner of the Game.
Every person is under an obligation to comply with this Code of Conduct.
The Scottish Rugby Union is under an obligation to adopt procedures to monitor compliance with and impose
sanctions for breaches of the Code of Conduct by persons under its jurisdiction.
For breaches of the Code of Conduct, the Discipline Panel of the Scottish Rugby Union may impose such
penalties as it deems appropriate, subject to the list of recommend sanctions published in the Rules of
Disciplinary Procedures, copies of which are with the clubs.
Protocol for Match Officials
The following protocols have been drawn up to ensure that rugby in Scotland receives the best service possible
from match officials at all levels.
Each match official agrees that;
• he will contact the home club at least 48 hours before a match should the referees’ secretary of that club
fail to make contact
• he will make every effort to be fit to act as a match official. If there is any doubt, he should not undertake
any match appointments until he is fully recovered
• If verbal abuse from a coach is such that the referee requires to take action, he should formally caution
the coach and require him to leave the playing enclosure. This should be done without brandishing a
card. The referee will then discuss the incident with his local RRDM as soon as possible and if required
will send a report (appendix 1) to Murrayfield. If a coach is reported on 3 occasions in one season, he
will appear before the Discipline Panel of the SRU. However, if the abuse is such that the referee feels
threatened, the SRU shall have the power to call the coach before the Discipline Panel at any time
• he will contact the SRU results line straight after the match to confirm the score of Championship
• he will complete the official score card, yellow and red card forms (if appropriate) and hospitality card
straight after the match and return the documentation to the SRU to arrive at Murrayfield within 48 hours
of completion of the match.
• he conducts himself in an orderly and respectable manner and maintain a tidy appearance whilst
representing the SRU and/or his society
• he makes every effort to attend after match functions
• he keeps the SRU refereeing department and his society regularly informed of any changes to his
contact details and/or availability through Assign by Web
• he does not engage in conduct, behaviour or practices which may bring the SRU or the game of rugby
football into disrepute
Protocols for Clubs, Coaches and Players
• Home clubs are responsible for notifying match officials of the date, venue, kick-off time and team
colours at least 72 hours before the game.
• Failure to notify a match official of a postponement prior to his arrival at the ground may result in the
home club having to reimburse the referee’s travel costs.
• Home clubs are responsible for notifying visiting clubs of the date, venue, kick-off time and team colours
at least 72 hours before the game.
• Clubs are responsible for the safety and well being of match officials during the time they are at the club
in question.
• Where possible, a referee liaison officer should be appointed by the home club.
• Clubs will submit their team sheet including replacements to the match official before kick-off indicating
the replacement front row players.
• Clubs will ensure that technical areas are in place and the pitch is roped off.
• Players may not receive local anaesthetic on match day unless for suturing of bleeding wounds or for
dental treatment administered by an appropriately qualified medical or dental practitioner.
• Coaching staff must remain within the confines of the technical area at all times during play. Water
carriers must abide by the attached protocol.
• Coaches are encouraged to comment on the performance of the match officials by completing the
“Report on the Match Officials” form (appendix 2).
• If coaches, players or club personnel wish to complain about the behaviour of match officials, the
complaint form (appendix 3) should be completed and returned to Murrayfield for the attention of the
Referees’ Manager.
• After the match, coaches and players must refrain from discussing contentious issues emanating from
the game with match officials until at least 15 minutes after the final whistle. There after all participants
in the match are encouraged to discuss aspects of the game in particular the
coach/captain/referee/referee coach.
Protocols for Persons entering the Playing Area
• Up to two medically trained personnel be permitted to enter the playing area at any time to attend to
injured players.
• Up to two further persons (excluding coaches) be permitted to enter the playing area to provide water.
• Water will be permitted to be taken during breaks in play (not during penalty kicks) including when tries
have been scored but not in view or distracting to the goal kicker.
• At all other times, players must go to their designated technical zone to take water.
• Bottles should not be thrown on and off the pitch.