Parent's Code Of Practice
As a parent, you play a special role in the development of your daughter or son, and of his/her teammates. Your encouragement and good example will do more to ensure good sportsmanship and self-discipline than any other influence. The other team is the opponent, not the enemy, and should be treated with respect. While winning is important, playing well and fairly is the essence of the game
1. Support your child
Support your child by giving encouragement and showing interest in his/her team. Help your
child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship in every game. Teach your child
that hard work and an honest effort are often more important than victory.
2. Always be positive
Children learn more by example than by criticism. Work to be a positive role model, and reinforce positive behaviour in others. Applaud good play by others on your child's team as well as good play by the opposing team. Do not criticize any child’s performance from the sidelines.
Accept the results of each game. Teach your child to be gracious in victory and to turn defeat into victory by learning and working toward improvement.
3. Don't be a sideline coach or ref
Refrain from coaching or refereeing from the sidelines. Parents who shout or scream from the
sidelines often give inappropriate advice at the wrong time confusing the child . The coach should be the only sideline voice.
You and your child will both enjoy the game more if you put some emotional distance between yourself and the field or play. Officials should be symbols of fair play, integrity and sportsmanship - Do not openly question their judgment or honesty.
4. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward your opponents and their families
Opponents are not enemies. Take care to show good hospitality at home and to represent
Loch Lomond Rugby Club in a positive way when visiting other clubs. Never allow yourself to be drawn into a verbal disagreement with opposing parents or coaches. No one has ever regretted letting “cooler heads prevail.”
5. Remember that your child wants to have fun
Your child is the one playing Rugby, not you. Children must establish their own goals - to play
the game for themselves. Take care not to impose unreasonable demands on your child. Let your children experience the fun of playing as well as the challenge of excelling.
6. Support your child.
Loch Lomond Rugby Club should be a safe fun place for your child to be, Remember! Your words and actions and attitude towards others can have an adverse effect on your child and also other children training/playing at the club