Board Meeting 11th May 2013

Saturday 11th May 2013
Chairman’s Residence
1.Minutes of Meeting ;
Reviewed and confirmed

A D Short - Chair (ADS)
K Thompson -Team Manager (KT)
Rob Wood – Players Rep (RW)
D A Short – Club Captain (DS)
Martin Reynolds – Players Rep (MR)

Graeme Errington (Club Secretary Elect) (GE)
Tin Boulton(Club Treasurer Elect)( TB)

Steve Howarth – Assistant Coach (SH)
3.Matters Arising;
Action Who
4. Chairman’s Address
Chairman having open the meeting proposed the board discus and if appropriate elect to the vacant posts’ of Club Secretary and Club Treasurer
4a Posts of Club Secretary and Treasurer
Chairman produce Graeme Errington’s Application and CV, general discussion pursued
Graeme Errington was duly elected as Club Secretary for a three year Term
4b Post of Club Treasurer
Chairman produce Tim Boulton’s Application, general discussion perused
Tim Boulton was duly elected as Club Treasurer for a three year Term
GE & TB joined the meeting
Proposed by ADS
Seconded by RM
Vote ALL
Proposed by ADS
Seconded by RW
Vote All

5.Secretary Report

ADS pointed out that since PCs resignation KT has been acting Secretary,
KT gave a resume of events of which there was little to report, other than he had a pile of Northumberland FA and Northern Alliance Forms and application to complete and submit by 31st of May. It was agreed to submit these ASAP, by new secretary
NFA/Alliance forms 13/14
6.Tresurers Report
ADS pointed out our financial year ends 31st May and produced a draft balance sheet, showing our turn over to date was £4,874 all bills paid and a bank balance of £645.00, which he suggested would exceed a£1,000 after the Presentation/Race Night.
After discussion it was agreed all account finalised and be handed over to TB
7.Managers Report
managers report from.KT said since last meeting the team have been playing under par(last 3 weeks they have really picked up)issues about match tactics and formations of play (all coaches to get their heads together in the future and get this issue sorted .Also training sessions to be structured. ADS.KT.SH. about this.
KT taking training session at killingworth wed 15/05/13 need ticket money for presentation night in. Win remaining Games KT
8. Fund-Raising
The club at this moment need’s £5000 per season to run properly, so we need a steady in come. The last 2 race nights have grossed over £1,000, so we may start to run them at Charnwood if they Sponsor us
A long debate ensued as to TB idea of scrapping Predictor in favour of all Players paying £5.00 Subs per game or £20 per month standing order. GE proposed selling tickets for 200 club = £50 per week for the club draw in Charnwood (subsequently agreed GE to run £200 Club) which is completely different to subs. Proposal is Subs needed to cover running costs,(£2,150 last year) next year will be £5.00, which is the same they always paid Or Standing order of £20 x 9 months only, To be discussed and agreed at next AGM
TB to explain his SO Subs idea.
GE 200 club out of Charnwood
TB and GE
9, Sponsorship
TS- We are looking for a few small sponsors of about £300 each as well as a main sponsor, who again next season will be ADS Consultant’s unless we can get another sponsor with £5k+ to run the club. TS said all should try and get at least one sponsor, however small TS has the quotes and Invoices

10 Liverpool Trip

GE Dealing with RW who can now go
TS knows of 10 going who are the rest, no rooms booked, need deposits
11 Club Promotions.
TS not enough people (locals) know about the club we need to leaflet local shops tell people when and where the teams playing, get a few supporters to the game. The club pitch is right in the middle of Longbenton; “we are longbenton” let the local’s know. . We now have fixtures 0n Oxford centre Notice Board and up in the Charnwood
12. Pitch Barriers. Tony is drawing up a blueprint for a posted roped barrier around (approx 35 posts’ to go around pitch).decided posts to be painted orange with black tops. Cost £650, Oxford Centre to Confirm. TS Indication of 10 year lease good

Any other Business
Date of next Meeting
AGM - Sunday 9th June 2013 4pm Charnwood (Open meeting)