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Dave Willsher - Obituary

Dave Willsher - Obituary

Maldon & Tiptree Media17 Aug 2022 - 13:51
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We are sad to announce the passing of much loved volunteer, Dave Willsher.

Dave, aged 83, passed away this morning after a battle with illness.

Dave, was a popular face at Park Drive rarely missing either a home or away game, until most recently. Dave was always on hand to greet our opposition, officials, supporters and players. Having been a long-standing volunteer for the Jammers, the football club were lucky enough to inherit Dave when Tiptree United and Maldon Town amalgamated in 2010.

Dave will be sorely missed by everyone at the football club and his charm and infectious personality will always remain irreplaceable.

The passing of Dave, follows soon after his good friend, Dave Garwood who passed earlier this summer. The two Daves, as they are affectionately known where rarely seen apart and often travelled together to away fixtures.

Everyone at Maldon & Tiptree would like to offer their heart felt condolences to Dave’s wife, his two sons and daughter, their family and all of Dave’s friends at this terribly sad time.

Details regarding Dave’s funeral will be released at the appropriate time.

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