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U11 Panthers & U7 Pumas Get Fit

U11 Panthers & U7 Pumas Get Fit

Maldon & Tiptree Media16 Oct 2021 - 10:12
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The teams recently attended a training session, hosted by their sponsors.

Maldon and Tiptree U11 Panthers and U7 Pumas were invited by their sponsor, Aspire Body Transformations (ABT), to a dedicated session delivered by their expert trainers. Both teams enjoyed trying out all of the different equipment available.

ABT’s trainers gave the players some in depth advice on body mechanics and the importance of stretching, warming up correctly and what muscle groups were important for them to improve their game and their stamina.

The kids also benefited from some advice and guidance on nutrition and how ensuring they are eating and drinking the right things will also improve their game.

The thanks of everyone within the Youth club go to all at Aspire Body Transformation for their continued support and input into both teams development.

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