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North Manchester RUFC vs Manchester Medics RUFC

North Manchester RUFC vs Manchester Medics RUFC

William Spurway12 Nov 2022 - 22:18
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A closely fought and physical game sees the Medics pick up their first away win of the 22/23 season.

Match report by Will Spurway

North Manchester RUFC 17 – 26 Manchester Medics RUFC

Buoyed by the mid-week success of the pre-clinical team, the 1st XV rocked up to Tudor Lodge hoping to record a first away win of the season in the league. The weather was pleasant for November, with clear skies and a soft pitch, it looked like an ideal day for some rugby.

MMRUFC started strong and fast, receiving the first kick and playing their way back into the opposition half with some strong carries and pace to burn on the outside. Within the first five minutes, they found themselves within sniffing distance of the North Manchester whitewash. Simplicity proved key, the forwards working hard to secure rucks and provide options, with tighthead Seb Rodgers ultimately providing the grunt to force his way through the defence and dot down for the opening score. Fly half Jamie Palrmer stepped up and calmly slotted the extras.

NM 0 – 7 MM

North were clearly up for the game and did well to regain the ball off the restart, using their size and physicality to make yards in the middle of the pitch. The Medics were not put off and displayed grit by fronting up to their larger opponents and put in some cracking hits. North’s scrum proved key, and a few strong drives from them led to them being able to engineer space for their winger to score in the corner. Unsuccessful conversion.

NM 5 – 7 MM

The game remained tight for the next 15 minutes. North made use of their extra mass through their scrums and forward carries, whilst Medics looked to use their speed by getting it wide and making good yards on the outside. Several penalties and some great kicking by fly half Parmer gave Medics the territorial advantage. Some good lineouts and carries once again got the boys into the 22, which the backs were unfortunate not to convert into points, being held up over the line. It once again came down to the forwards to do what the backs could not, with hooker Will Spurway displaying unusually silky handling to put flanker Sandy Mayo through a gaping hole in the defensive line to score. Parmer once again stepped up, but unfortunately missed the conversion.

NM 5 – 12 MM

Once again, North Manchester hit back with intensity to get themselves back into the fight, keeping themselves in the Medics half. At several opportunities, the visitors threatened to break away and make yards, but a combination of good defence from the hosts, despite being a man down from a yellow card, and a number of handling errors meant that the pressure was still on. Following a break and some well placed kicking, Medics were forced to dot down in their own goal area, and the referee duly awarded the hosts a scrum 5 metres out. The North Manc scrum was solid and marched the Medics back, allowing the No. 8 to score a simple try. Conversion scored.

Half time: North Manchester 12 – 12 Manchester Medics

The second half continued much the same as the first had, with the two teams’ different styles on full display. The pace and fitness of the Medics allowed them to utilise the space to their advantage whereas North utilised their power to crash up the middle, with some clever kicks keeping the Medic back three busy. Neither team seemed to gain the advantage, with both visiting the opposition 22 on occasion but no score for either. With about 20 minutes on the clock, the Medic pack secured good field position through set piece play. After a few carries, Palmer called the ball out to the backs, and simple through the hands play put outside centre Barney Morris through a gap in the midfield just outside the 22. With just the full back to beat, Morris displayed excellent composure, selling his man with a step before using his pace to get outside him and add a bit of individual brilliance to a well worked team try. Another successful conversion from Parmer.

NM 12 – 19 MM

North showed that they were not done yet. Taking advantage of the tired Medics, they were able to work good field position, and with several penalties going their way, worked their way into the Medic 22. A quick tap penalty caught out the defence, and simple hands saw the North Manchester winger cross the try line in the corner. A silly defensive error from the Medics late in the game, but well taken opportunity by North with less than 15 to play. Unsuccessful conversion.

NM 17 – 19 MM

The Medics knew that one more score should secure the win, and they entered the business end of the game with determination. The youth and fitness of the team showed, with the boys still making huge hits and carries after 70 minutes of slog. Good carries from the forwards opened up the space for the backs to run into, and the Medics made good ground, but were kept out by a tired but determined defence. Once again, ground was made into the 22, with the Medics showing better composure than they had earlier in the day. The game looked to be won when fly half Jamie threw a wonderful flat miss pass, looping over the heads of three defensive players and straight to the waiting winger. The referee, however, ruled the pass to be forward – scrum North. No matter, as the boys regathered and resumed their attack. Solid carries got the team again within touching distance, but the winning touch came once again from Parmer, who showed brilliant hands in a tight space to put away winger Jacob Halstein, who, still with some work to do, finished brilliantly. Another successful conversion from Jamie.

NM 17 – 26 MM

Restart, and the boys knew what had to be done – just simple rugby to get us over the line. As it had been all game, the last 5 were physical, and with a lot of loose ball made the job difficult. Still, the tackles were hard and the defensive line solid, with the Medics not afraid to sniff for a last minute breakaway on occasion. North were awarded a scrum as the clock entered the red, and attempted one last charge. The Medic line held well, turned the ball over and kicked it out of play, giving the lads their first away win of the season!

Full time
North Manchester 17 – 26 Manchester Medics

Thank you to North Manchester RUFC for a fantastic game and being great hosts, and thank you to the referee for officiating the game.

Man of the Match – Jamie Palmer – excellent game at fly half, with his distribution and kicking providing a threat throughout the game
Dick of the Day – Will Spurway – forgot where the dead ball line was and almost started a fight with the entire North Manchester pack in the process

Further reading