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Dave McMillan9 Feb 2015 - 21:09

Segregation in place for Valentine's Day game....

The following arrangements will be in place for Saturday's visit to the Tameside Stadium (Curzon Ashton FC) for the game with FC United of Manchester (3pm) - Sat Nav postcode OL7 9HG

The stadium will be segregated with the following measures in place to ensure the safety of all spectators attending the game:

There will be FC United stewards on hand at all entry, exit and segregation points, as well as within the ground to assist with direction and queries. Anyone wishing to use the seated section will be shown and assisted to that area, which adjoins the Marine fans’ terrace.

Musical instruments and banners are welcome and a good singing voice!

Due to segregation being in place spectators will not be able to swap ends.

Stewards will be on the car park to greet fans and the coach to direct all spectators to their particular turnstiles and will also be on hand after the match to see everyone gets away.

In addition 2 Marine stewards will be in attendance to assist FC United stewards.

Segregation will be achieved by extra stewards creating a void zone barrier and although the majority of the ground is open terracing the stand will be made available to "vulnerable visitors", elderly or parents with children – please refer to segregation plan.

Marine supporters will be directed to turnstiles 7 & 8. Wheelchair users or fans with impaired mobility, who wish to use the seated accommodation, will be directed to the Main Reception, where a passenger lift is available for use. Stewards will assist and guide.
Fans will exit by the same route as they entered. This means that away fans have an almost segregated exit to their cars and coaches. Again, this route will be stewarded, as will the Car
Park at the end of the game.

The Away terrace is not covered, meaning that if the afternoon is inclement, then there will be a greater demand for the seated covered area.

Admission Prices
Adults ~ £8.00
Concessions ~ £5.00
Under 18s ~ £2.00

Concession Admission Price
Concession means the following:
• Over 60s
• In receipt of income support or job seekers allowance
• Student with a valid NUS card

Any person applying for a concession may be asked to produce identification at the turnstile. If a supporter is unwaged and do not have proof of any of the above they must contact the office prior to a game.

The policy for disabled supporters is the disabled person pays and the carer receives free admission.

Further reading