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Anthi Xipolia23 Oct 2018 - 19:51
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You've got to pay to play!


With the BRFU league officially begun and another great show of rugby this weekend from both our teams; this means that player subsidies are now due!

2 years ago we reduced subsidies for the Club’s 40th Anniversary (the lowest subs of all 4 clubs) and this year we have decided to maintain fees for 2018/2019 season as below:

Full Player $125
U18 $50
Social $40 (that’s you Ancient Mariners. Support the Club!)

(Deadline December 1st – no pay, no play)

What does this get me?

Full Player and Social subsidies will include:
• Bermuda Sailors Home Membership – access to the bar, cheap drinks, pool and games room facilities
• Events – 5.01s and best socials of all the clubs, subsidized by club finances to keep costs low
• Every year the Mariners Club pays the BRFU fees to play during the season. These fees include costs of running the organization, youth rugby, National Team training, end of season awards but in particular, field costs at national Stadium. This year BRFU fees have increased by another 20%.
• Every year on top of BRFU fees, each player is required to individually register with the BRFU in order to play. The cost is $35 under the remit of no pay, no play. We’re making that process easier for you and again this year BRFU registration will be included in your Mariner subsidies paid to the club.
• Player assistance – we receive applications from time to time from players who struggle with National Team competition fees and/or education subsidies. This year we have subsidised 7 players’ National Team costs
• Kit – playing kit that you get to keep, socks, event tshirts and training kit
• Physio – game day physios and supplies’ costs are subsidized by club finances
• Tour – subsidized by club finances
• Mariners Committee – All the Love for Free

Further reading