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Maroons happy to toil in the sun on Work Party Weekend

Maroons happy to toil in the sun on Work Party Weekend

Dennis Elam23 Jun - 17:28
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Great turnout on Saturday from all sections - Thank you!

{Photo shows Tomas, Jamie, Rob and Sid setting a fine example on Saturday}

What a wonderful day on Saturday when members from all sections turned up at Scatcherd Lane to put some TLC into getting the the club ready for the new season.

The club would like to thank everyone who turned up to help clean, tidy up and paint fences and most other items that didn't move. It was very much appreciated - Thank you.

Special thanks goes to new head coach Sid and his coaches who encouraged the players to turn up and thanks to the players who were able to turn up in such good numbers.

Thanks also to the to the mums and dads of junior players who turned up with the players to lend a hand.

Thanks to the supporters and officials who gave up their time to help.

A big vote of thanks to Jamie Poyner and Dom Self for organising the event and serving at the BBQ.

Thanks to Bennett's Quality Butchers of Queen Street, Morley for sponsoring all the delicious beef burgers and sausages. They were a fitting finale to a great day.

Thanks to whoever arranged the weather - it was just right.

Apologies to all those who could not make it to yesterday's event, but never fear. You will get a chance next year when we hope for an even bigger turnout.

Photos available in media section or by clicking the link below.

Workparty photos

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