200 Club

The 200 Club is a great way to support Murrayfield Wanderers Football Club and have a chance to win money each month.

The Murrayfield Wanderers 200 Club is drawn on the last Wednesday of each month at The Gentleman’s Dining Club.

New entrants are more than welcome and it is open to all.

If you would like a form to fill out please download the form from the link, or, for more information, please contact Mike Dawson (mikeportsun@blueyonder.co.uk) or Brendan Reid (brendonreid@live.co.uk).

200 Club Draw Results for 12 months 1st October 2018 - 30th September 2019

October 2018
- £100 John Davidson
- £20 John Little
- £10 Raymond Pia
November 2018
- £50 Clare Chambers
- £20 David Ogilvie
- £10 Lee Dellar
December 2018
- £100 Jim Law
- £20 Ken Brown
- £10 Catherine Strang
January 2019
- £50 Audrey Sculthorpe
- £20 Tom Ross
- £10 Jock Anderson
February 2019
- £100 John Scott
- £20 Rolly Crawford
- £10 Lorne Cowie
March 2019
- £50 Eddie Ingram
- £20 David Ogilvie
- £10 Arthur Espley
April 2019
- £100 Amanda Hogg
- £ 20 Roger Hesketh
- £ 10 John Little
May 2019
- £50 Amanda Hogg
- £20 Neil Godfrey
- £10 Kate Cadzow
June 2019
- £100 Dougie Crawford
- £20 Kenny Brown
- £10 Amanda Hogg
July 2019
- £50 Calum Gauld
- £20 David Paterson
- £10 Annie Peyrebrune
August 2019
- £100 David Paterson
- £20 Gillian Anderson
- £10 Colin Veitch
September 2019
- £50 Jock Anderson
- £20 Dougie Crawford
- £10 Gordon MacKay